1. | Study of the interactions of electromagnetic radiators with matter is called? | Thermal radiation |
2. | Continuous spectrum depends only on the? | Temperature of source |
3. | Line spectrum is used to identify the ? | Gas |
4. | Band spectra is used to find the? | Molecular structure |
5. | Solar spectrum is an example of? | Line Absorption spectrum |
6. | A molecule from higher energy state to lower energy states gives rise to? | Molecular spectra |
7. | If the molecule is asymmetric the spectrum is? | Rational |
8. | The angular momentum of rotating diatomic molecule is? | J(j+1)h and J(j+1) |
9. | Most common sources of IR spectroscopy are? | Globar and Nernst glower |
10. | The source of the IR spectrometer is? | Globar |
11. | This lines having frequencies greater than incident frequency are called? | Anti-stokes lines |
12. | LASER is the acronym of? | Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation |
13. | The lines whose frequencies have been modified in Raman effect are called? | Raman lines |
14. | Without any external agent the atoms came to ground state is known as? | Spontaneous |
15. | The method of producing population in version is? | Pumping |
16. | The mixing ratio of Helium and neon is? | 1:4 |
17. | In He-ne laser pumping takes place by? | Powerful radio frequency generator |
18. | The method of producing 3D image instead of 2D is? | Holography |
19. | Atomic spectrum should be? | Pure line spectrum |
20 | Of the following the good moderator is? | Graphite |
21 | The temperature of chromospheres is? | 6000K |
22 | The electronic device which converts are voltage into d.c. voltage is called? | Rectifier |
23 | Which of the following is most suitable for the core of the electromagnets? | Soft-iron |
24 | Sound travels fastest in which of the following medium? | Iron |
25 | The source is at infinity, the shape of the wave front is? | Plane |
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