26 | The most common optically active substance is? | Sugar | ||
27 | When a drop of water placed between glass plate and plane convex lens in Newton’s rings system, the ring system? | Contracts | ||
28. | In Newton’s rings experiment the diameter of certain order of dark ring is double that of second ring. The order is? | n=8 | ||
29. | The deviation from the actual size, shape and position of image as calculated theoretically is known as? | Aberration | ||
30. | The spherical aberration produced by a convex lens is? | +ve | ||
31. | The ability to distinguish any two wavelength having least difference is called? | Resolving power | ||
32. | The removal of chromatic aberration is known as? | Achromatism | ||
33. | The resolving power increases with the? | Order of spectrum | ||
34. | A lens free from chromatic aberration is called? | Achromatic | ||
35. | The rays of an object point not situated on the axis of the lens, is called? | Coma | ||
36. | A lens aberration in which the image formed by an object point is off the principle axis is? | Astigmatism | ||
37. | The principle behind the transmission of light wave in an optical fiber is? | Total internal reflection | ||
38. | The combination of convex lens and concave lens is called? | An astigmatism | ||
39. | The reflective index for air is? | 1.50 | ||
40. | The angle is known as? | Angle of acceptance | ||
41. | The glass fiber is made up of? | Metal oxide and silica glasses | ||
42. | The optical fiber can pass the telephone signals nearly? | 15000 | ||
43. | In a fiber, if only one mode is transmitted that is? | Single mode fiber | ||
44. | The amount of light rays that can be accepted by the fiber is called? | Numerical aperture | ||
45. | A block of ice is floating on water contained in beaker, when all the ice melts the level of water? | Remains unchanged | ||
46. | Two lenses in contact form an achromatic doublet, their focal lengths are in the ratio 2:3 then their dispersive power is? | 2:3 | ||
47. | Light transmitted by a nicol crystal is? | Plane polarized | ||
48. | A monochromatic light of wavelength 500 nm illuminates a pair of slits 1 mm apart, on a screen 2 m away the interference fringe width is? | 1.00mm | ||
49. | A stone is dropped into a well 50m deep. It the velocity of sound in air is 332 m/s the sound will be heard after/ | 0.334sec | ||
50. | Band spectrum is obtained whenever the incandescent vapoun of the excited substance are in their? | Molecular state |
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