1. | According to classical mechanics space, time, Mass are all? | Absolute and variant |
2. | In classical mechanics mass does not depend on? | Velocity |
3. | Accelerated frames are called? | Non-inerial frame |
4. | The inverse transformation are? | Y=Y, Z=Z and X=X+Vt |
5. | For the values of V<<C Lorentz transformations reduces to? | Galilean transformation |
6. | When the observer is in moving condition the sphere is look like? | Ellipsoid |
7. | A rod 1m long is moving along its length with a velocity 0.6C. Calculate its length? | 0.8m |
8. | The brother who returns back to the earth after a space journey finds himself younger than his twin brother ho stayed behind on the earth is called? | Twin paradox |
9. | If a vertical rod is carried by an observer in motion it will appear for observer at rest is? | Vertical |
10. | Eigen values of Hermitian operator are? | Real |
11. | The increase of mass with velocity has been tested in? | Particle accelerators |
12. | Moving clock measure shorter time interval, stationary clock measures long time interval. This is called? | Time dilation |
13. | The postulates of special theory of relativity are? | The laws of physics are same and the velocity of light is same in all inertial frame |
14. | Accelerated frames are called? | Non-inertial frame |
15. | If V <<<< C | Lorentz transformation reduced to Galilean transformation |
16. | The length contraction becomes appreciable only when? | V=C |
17. | Law of addition of velocity applies only? | Velocities are in the same direction |
18. | The magic numbers are? | 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 |
19. | Mass equivalence of 1 amu is equal, to? | 931 Mev |
20 | The ratio of the mass of a particle to its rest mass when its velocity is 0.8C? | 1.66 |
21 | Spectrum of black body could be explained by? | Classical methods |
22 | The pair of variables in an un certainity relations ? | Energy and time |
23 | The eigen functions of a Hermitian operator belonging to different eigen values are? | Orthogonal |
24 | Stationary clock measures? | Shorter time interval |
25 | The produce electron – positron pair the minimum energy of photon must? | 1.02 MeV |
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