1. | Atoms or molecules are regularly arranged that solids are? | Crystalline |
2. | Diamond, aluminum, polonium, copper, nickel are the examples are? | Crystalline solids |
3. | Change in liquid phase or gaseous phase to solid to called as? | Crystallization+ |
4. | Mostly point imperfection may occurs due to the presence of? | Impurity atom |
5. | Missing of atom or atoms in an atomic site is known as? | Vacancy |
6. | The extra plane of atoms lying above the slip plane are called? | Positive edge dislocation |
7. | This type of impurity may stay normally unfilled volume is known as? | Interstitial impurity |
8. | Frankel vacancies are produced when the crystal is exposed to a high? | Radiation |
9. | Slip is caused due to the motion of? | Screw dislocation |
10. | Vander waals bond and hydrogen bond are the example for? | Secondary bond |
11. | The example for ionic crystal is? | Nacl |
12. | Vander waals bond are much weaker than | Ionic and covalent bonds |
13. | Which is correct? | Covalent – ionic – metallic – hydrogen – van der waals |
14. | Covalent bond is a ? | Strong bond |
15. | Homogeneous mixture of two or more metals or a metal and a non-metal is called? | An alloy |
16. | Angle made by the inclined plane is called? | Shear strain |
17. | Hydrostatic pressure is the stress acting equally from? | All directions |
18. | Force/area is known as? | Stress |
19. | Ceramics are the compounds of? | Metals and non-metals |
20 | The property of the material which enables it to be twisted, bent or stretched, under a high stress before rupture is known as? | Toughness |
21 | Glasses are generally called as? | Super cooled liquids |
22 | I.C. engines, boiler and turbines using the principle of ? | Creep |
23 | High silica glass contains? | 96% silica |
24 | Bi product is not obtained in? | Addition polymerization |
25 | The combination of bronze is? | Cu 90% sn 10% |
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