1. | The radii of the orbits are in the ratio? | 1:4:9:16 |
2. | When an electron jumps from second, third to first the series is called? | Balmer series |
3. | Paschen series is obtained in the region is? | IR |
4. | According to sommer feld’s theory the path of the electron is? | Elliptical |
5. | In sommerfeld atom model the angular momentum varies from? | 0 – (n-1) |
6. | According to sommer feld’s atom model for any principle quantum number, there are ‘n’ possible orbits called ? | Sub-orbits and Sub shells |
7. | When the electron is nearest to the nucleus its velocity is ? | Maximum |
8. | The idea of space quantization leads to an explanation of? | Zeeman effect |
9. | The total angular momentum of an atom is the? | Vector sum of orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum |
10. | The orbital quantum number starts from? | 0,1,2,3…..(n-1) |
11. | The possible values of magnetic orbital quantum number? | l,l-1,l-2…..0,-1,-2…..-1 |
12. | When a light placed in a magnetic field, the splitting occurs into two are three lines is called? | Normal Zeeman effect |
13. | Find the wave length of the photon emitted when the hydrogen atom goes from n=10 state to ground state? | 921 |
14. | Critical potential for hydrogen is 13.05 V calculate the wave length of the radiation that will be emitted by hydrogen atom when bombarded by an electron of corresponding energy? | 951.5 |
15. | In a crystal , the miller indices of a given plane is 3:2:1 what are the intercepts? | 2a,3b,6c |
16. | Emission, absorption and interaction of light with mater can? | Quantum theory |
17. | During the impact of plastic bodies there is maximum loss of kinetic energy when ? | E=0 |
18. | The galvanometer is a device used to? | Indicate current |
19. | E.M.F of a cell is always? | Less than P.D |
20 | Which one of the waves cannot be polarized? | x-rays |
21 | The least energy required to eject an electron from an atom is called? | Work function |
22 | Longitudinal waves do not exhibit? | Polarization |
23 | Positive rays are? | Positive ions |
24 | Visible spectrum lies between? | Infrared and ultraviolet rays |
25 | The intensity of X-rays depends upon? | Velocity of electron |
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