1. | Current ‘j’is equal to ? | q/t |
2. | The direction of electric current is opposite to the direction of? | Electron flow |
3. | The velocity with which free electrons get drifted towards the positive terminal when an electric field is applied is called? | Drift velocity |
4. | The potential meter is used to measure the? | Potential |
5. | The difference of potentials between the two terminals of a cell in a n open circuit is called? | Emf |
6. | The unit of electric energy is? | Joule |
7. | The electrode towards which positive ions travels is called? | Cathode |
8. | The cell from which the electric energy is derived by irreversible chemical actions are called? | Primary cell |
9. | The advantage of secondary cell is that they are ? | Rechargeable |
10. | The emf of lead acid accumulator is? | 2.2 volt |
11. | When two resistances are in parallel, the effective resistance is? | 4 |
12. | The chemical process of obtaining current from a secondary cell is called? | Discharge |
13. | The thermo emf developed in the seebeck effect is because of difference between? | Two junctions |
14. | Peltier effect is converse of? | See beck effect |
15. | Sb, Ag, Zn, Cd these metals are examples of? | Positive Thomson effect |
16. | Thermopile works on the principle of? | See beck effect |
17. | Tangent galvanometer is used to measuring the? | Current |
18. | Biot-Savart law expressed in alternate way is called? | Ampere’s circuital law |
19. | If the conductor is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field, the conductor experiences? | Maximum force |
20 | The construction of a moving coil ballistic galvanometer is similar to that of? | Dead beat galvanometer |
21 | The another name for generator is? | Alternator |
22 | Dead bed galvanometer is working with the help of ? | Eddy current |
23 | Step down transformer decreases the voltage by? | Increasing the current |
24 | Eddy current loss can be minimized by using? | Stelloy |
25 | The emf introduced in the coil varies in magnitude and direction periodically is called? | Alternating emf |
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